A Devotion from A.W Tozer
Genuine holiness can be put into the place of testing without fear. Whenever there is a
breakdown of holiness, that is proof there never was any real degree of holiness in the first
Personally, I truly have been affected in my heart by reading the testimonies and
commentaries of humble men of God whom I consider to be among the great souls of Christian
Church history.
I have learned from them that the word and idea of holiness as originally used in the
Hebrew did not have first of all the moral connotation. It did not mean that God first of all was
pure, for that was taken for granted!
The original root of the word holy was of something beyond, something strange and
mysterious and awe-inspiring. When we consider the holiness of God we talk about something
heavenly, full of awe, mysterious and fear-inspiring. Now, this is supreme when it relates to
God, but it is also marked in men of God and deepens as men become more like God.
Holiness is not a condition wrought in us. It is simply the Holy One in us ruling,