Growth Opportunities


Get Plugged In



Join us each Sunday from September through May for Sunday School classes prior to the worship service. Sunday school classes are available for all age groups. Tenth grade through young adults are welcome every morning at Morning Glory for Bible Study beginning at 9am.


Sunday School Study | 9:00am @ Hope with Pastor Ken
Adults come together Sunday mornings to spend time in the word while children are at Sunday School. The nursery will be available for babies to 4 years old. All adults are welcome!


Women’s Bible Study Fellowship | Mondays | 6:30pm-7:30pm @ Hope

Beginning in September ladies will gather to do a study on Revelation.

All women are welcome!

Women’s Bible Study | Thursdays | 9:30am-11:00am @ Hope
Ladies of all ages gather to study the word together, walking through studies from authors like Priscilla Shrirer, Timothy Keller, Jen Wilkin, and more. All women are welcome!


Men’s Breakfast | Saturdays | 7:00am-8:00am @ Hope
Men meet each Saturday morning to enjoy breakfast together and dive into God’s word.


JAM TIME | Wednesdays, October 2 - April 24 | 5:30pm-7:00pm @ Hope Church
J.A.M. T.I.M.E. (Jesus and Me, Together in Motion Everyday!) helps kids - pre-K through 6th grade - dig into the Bible and grow their relationship with the Lord!

Hope Evangelical Youth (H.E.Y.) Group | Wednesdays | Year-Round | 6:30-9:00pm @ Hope Church
Youth in 7th-12th grade meet Wednesdays each week to enjoy supper, fellowship, games, and most importantly, time in God’s word together. HEY also enjoys fun outings together - skating, out-reach projects, Camp Shamineau and more!