A Devotion from A.W. Tozer
The greatest event in history was the coming of Jesus Christ into the world to live and to die
for mankind. The next greatest event was the going forth of the Church to embody the life of
Christ and to spread the knowledge of His salvation throughout the earth.
It was not an easy task which the Church faced.… To carry on the work of a man who was
known to have died … to persuade others that this man had risen again from the dead and that
He was the Son of God and Saviour: this mission was, in the nature of it, doomed to failure from
the start. Who would credit such a fantastic story?…
That the Church did not … perish was due entirely to the miraculous element within her.
That element was supplied by the Holy Spirit who came at Pentecost to empower her for her
[T]he same God who led Israel with pillar of cloud and fire, who spoke at
Pentecost through the tongues of flame, who opened Peter’s prison doors, is
waiting to work the greater wonders of His grace for us.