A Devotion from A.W. Tozer

We are becoming what we love. We are to a large degree the sum of our loves and we will

of moral necessity grow into the image of what we love most; for love is among other things a

creative affinity; it changes and molds and shapes and transforms. It is without doubt the most

powerful agent affecting human nature next to the direct action of the Holy Spirit of God within

the soul.

What we love is therefore not a small matter to be lightly shrugged off; rather it is of

present, critical and everlasting importance. It is prophetic of our future. It tells us what we

shall be, and so predicts accurately our eternal destiny.

Loving wrong objects is fatal to spiritual growth; it twists and deforms the life and makes

impossible the appearing of the image of Christ in the soul. It is only as we love right objects

that we become right, and only as we go on loving them that we continue to experience a slow

but continuous transmutation toward the objects of our purified affection.

Hope Church