A Devotion from A.W. Tozer

As humans, we are aware that if we give something away, we give it up for the time it is

away from us. But God lends without giving anything up. God gives you life but He is still the life

He gives you so He loses nothing by giving it to you.

So with everything else. God is power, but when He gives you power He does not give His

power away. He gives wisdom, but He does not lose it when He gives it. He gives grace, but He

does not part with His grace. He keeps it while He gives it because it is Himself that He gives.

So it is with everything—wisdom, being, power, holiness and every quality God bestows

upon men. God is constantly giving of Himself to us, because God is life!

Life is sacred.… There is a great truth involved here for human beings—for eternal life can

best be described as having God in the soul!

Salvation is a stream of grace that [flows] to men from the foundation of the

Father’s love. We have done nothing to deserve it.… It is the gift of God’s love.

Hope Church