A Devotion from Fanny Crosby

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man

give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8:36, 37)

In every believer there is a constant struggle between the old nature, which is attracted to

the world, and the new nature, which responds to God. These two opposing natures will never

cease to struggle as long as we are residents of this world. Worldliness can be described as

anything that tends to draw us away from God and limits us from being all that He wants us to

be. Separation from the world, however, does not mean that we are to live in isolation from

individuals within the world, whether they be saint or sinner. We cannot represent our Lord if

we remain aloof from the needs of those around us. There must always be that fine balance in

our lives between a closeness and total commitment to Christ and an availability and helpful

contact with those in our everyday world,.

A Christian’s goal in life is to “cease from sin” and thus starve the old nature, which tends to

be selfish, hateful, and greedy. Although it is true that we will never achieve a sinless perfection

until we reach heaven, this should never keep us from striving and saying with Fanny Crosby,

“Take the world, but give me Jesus.” Like the blind poetess, the goal of someday having a

“clearer, brighter vision” when we see our Lord face to face makes the struggles of this life all


Take the world, but give me Jesus—All its joys are but a name; but His love abideth

ever, thru eternal years the same.

Take the world, but give me Jesus—Sweetest comfort of my soul; with my Savior

watching o’er me, I can sing tho billows roll.

Take the world, but give me Jesus—Let me view His constant smile; then thruout my

pilgrim journey light will cheer me all the while.

Take the world, but give me Jesus—In His cross my trust shall be; till, with clearer,

brighter vision, face to face my Lord I see.

Chorus: O the height and depth of mercy! O the length and breadth of love! O the

fullness of redemption—Pledge of endless life above!

Hope Church