A Devotion from A.W. Tozer

The stark, tragic fact is that the efforts of many people to worship are unacceptable to God.

Without an infusion of the Holy Spirit there can be no true worship. This is serious. It is hard for

me to rest peacefully at night knowing that millions of cultured, religious people are merely

carrying on church traditions and religious customs and they are not actually reaching God at


We must humbly worship God in spirit and in truth. Each one of us stands before the truth

to be judged. Is it not now plain that the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit of God, far

from being an optional luxury in our Christian lives, is a necessity?

The fellowship of God is delightful beyond all telling. He communes with His

redeemed ones in an easy, uninhibited fellowship that is restful and healing to

the soul. He is not sensitive nor selfish nor temperamental. What He is today

we shall find Him tomorrow and the next day and the next year.… He loves us

for ourselves and values our love more than galaxies of new created worlds.

Hope Church